Monday, June 4, 2012

Today we had Rose's Umi-rrific 3rd Birthday Party. We cannot believe how big she is already. We are so proud of her. We want to thank all of our family and friends for coming and being a part of this day with us. The whole day was filled with fun, laughter, and love. There was so much family there. All of the family being there made Rose's special day that much better! The food was amazing! Our friend Dre was up at 3am Saturday morning smoking a brisket for Roses special day. If there was one word to describe the brisket it would be YUMMY! The Umizoomi birthday party proved to be a challenge because stores do not carry Umizoomi birthday decor or cake decorations. I had to be creative to make the cakes and cupcakes with the three main characters on them. Millie, Bot, and Geo. The birthday song and the candles where the highlights of Rose's day. She was finally old enough to realize that everyone was singing to her... and she absolutely LOVES to blow candles out. The water slide and the trampoline where so much fun for the kids and all their friends. The presents, oh the presents! Mommy and Daddy got Rose a LaLaLoopsy playhouse for the backyard. Aunt Heather and Uncle Nash surprised Rose with her very own jeep to drive at their house. :) At the end of the night the kids had some fun on the trampoline. Even Meme and Aunt Sharon got on and bounced the kids around.

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